I am hoping all the Cabot Witches and the world of Witches in the United States will get out and vote!
Our one vote really counts; these politicians would not be spending millions of dollars on advertising if they didn’t understand that without our vote and participation, they wouldn’t have a chance. Your vote counts!
I personally am voting democrat because women rights are being threatened once again by the republican candidates.
It is so sad and shocking that anyone would want to jeopardize women’s health and if men were only making 60 cents on a dollar they would understand what women are going through without that 40 cents more that they need and deserve. Women dropped the ball when the republicans stopped the bills that would have given women equal rights and equal pay for equal work.
This is a democratic government; let’s let the democrats run it. Did you know that Bill Clinton balanced the budget while he was in office and he is working hand in hand with President Obama?
The mess in this country is in was caused by the republicans. President Obama has done a great job in four years. No president could have undone what has been done by the republicans to cause a recession, but he has turned things around and we’re on the climb to success, we can’t change hands in the middle of this progress.
Get that Goddess in you, get her in warrior mode and vote! I will be voting for Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren.