Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Yule Celebration

The Yule celebration was beautiful and fun.  Lots of toys were brought to give to the Salem Children’s hospital.  The hospital relies on the Cabot Witches to help them every year since 1975.

I have to say the food was great, meatballs and pasta and much more comfort food.  The door was dazzling, glittering frosted snowflakes sparkled all over the room and our tree was spectacular.

Ritual was so fulfilling it brought new hope for the coming winter.  Children played and our Cabot family enjoyed each other’s company on the cold winter night.

The candle light reminds us the warmth is coming, the sun will return.


Reverend Laurie Cabot HPs

1 comment:

  1. So pleased to see you blogging Laurie.
    No better time for me to know than today.. Blessings :-) X X X
