Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Our Gods and Goddesses

We have heard the words of Buddha, we have heard the mythical voice of Jesus for thousands of years.  Don’t you think it is about time that the stories and words of our Gods and Goddesses were heard!

The story of Rhiannon is one of deception, can her story give us a reason to listen to what she failed to do, so that we do not make the same mistake?  Did she use her majick in an incorrect way?  Did she heal herself with Majick?  You can call her name and if she answers you, she can help you to see yourself clearly, so as not to fool yourself.

Do you know the story of Lugh or Macha?  What of the Dagda?  Is he in your life and what can he bring to your life?  Cerridwen, Merlyn?  The Otherworld can be reached! 

How can you become more powerful by communicating with the Gods and Goddesses?  How can you be successful in this life?  How can you achieve your dreams?

Call upon the Gods as you pursue your goals!  As you encounter obstacles, call one who can protect you, call on a Goddess that can clear the way!

We, as Witches, must use our own abilities and Majick before we cry for help however it is our Blessing that we can walk between the worlds and stand side by side with our ancestors, sharing their wisdom and Majick!


Reverend Laurie Cabot HPs

1 comment:

  1. Exactly! I feel strongly about this, and, furthermore, have done much writing about the importance of calling on different Gods and goddesses.
    So many Witches come to chose a patron/ess and then fear to deviate their attentions from that one deity. There are so very many and all willing to help us if we only ask and do our best to meet them half way with our practice and efforts.
    Majick is a dance, and we are not confined to one partner, but have a whole ball room of skilled dancers of many styles to practice our craft with!
